Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Sunday, February 15, 2004
John Leo parrots DAVID HOROWITZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' line. Clearly there's a problem in the teaching of the arts and the soft sciences (or rather the non-science sciences), where scrambled eggheads blaze with sheer intolerance, and their pernicious influence is amplified by their natural alliance with news hacks and show-biz. But one could argue the problem is less political than simply an abandonment of standards; witness the growth quackery of pop-culture studies. And to reiterate, many college students don't major in these contentious areas, they're in the hard sciences and the business and accounting departments, which I suspect aren't so politically lopsided. The fact that Republicans are in the majority must mean the influence of the scrambled lefty eggheads, however gross, is not infinite.