Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

MEL's P. R. hits a slight stumbling block: apparently a few religious leaders will NOT see it. AND ONE OF THE SUMNERS IS "DISTRESSED"! WELL!!! (In the end, she proved to be just another SUMNER. Criminal activity runs in some families.)

While I suspect most of the faithful will take their castor oil -- LIKE A MAN, I wonder how many will walk out mid-masterpiece -- and then blame their pastors?

Although there is considerable enthusiasm about the film among evangelical Protestants, mainline Protestant leaders in Massachusetts, where churches tend to be more liberal than in other parts of the country, made it clear at the press conference and in interviews afterward that they have concerns about the film.

The film has become a litmus test. Thanks, P. R. MEL. You get rich rich while the country suffers.

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