Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, February 28, 2004

Terry Teachout quotes from himself -- I fear without any sense of irony:

Alas, they have always been with us, especially in wartime and most especially in America, far too many of whose well-meaning citizens are allergic to the exhilarating fizz of high art with a light touch. It seems not to occur to them that life is such an indissoluble mixture of heartbreak and absurdity that it might be more truly portrayed through the refracting lens of comedy. Instead, they prefer what Lord Byron, who knew a thing or two about both life and art, would have crisply dismissed as "sermons and soda-water."

Today Lord Byron might have termed it "sermons and hydrochloric acid." And Terry was one of the locksteppers because he works for the CONSERVATIVE half of America's most ideologically dishonest paper. I hope eventually he comes to his senses, and when he does, he may be embarrassed.

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