Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Every time LOWSY MAYS does something these days he trips over his two zillion-dollar left feet. When he staged anti-Dixie Chicks rallies and then profusely apologized, when he canceled Howie while sending some friends to see P. R. MEL's holy slasher movie, it had all the earmarks of a guy who couldn't care less about his public rep getting religion in the wrong way. Now he's hired Je$$e, which makes perfect sense given that P&G and Mickey D's and Coke and other VERY PC companies practically own his biz, and surely LOWSY did it to get the VERY PC press coverage from Pinch and Lenny. NOTE THE TIME: 8 to 9 A.M. on SUNDAYS, PSA DEATH TERRITORY.

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