Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Here's the latest earth-shattering obsession of news hacks: Dubya's jokes.

By now there's an MO to this. Dip and Crybaby McAuliffe call up some pressure groups, who gather the appropriate veterans or 9-11 victims or whomever, who then call CURLEY'S (Nyuk! Nyuk! Nyuk!) Stooges and then cry OUTRAGE and get their campaigning on the front page. This is just another variation on NEWS HACKS rigging elections, and has NOTHING to do with declining circulations.

And of course Dubya made his jokes before one of those infernally smug Beltway ROASTS, where our elected officials are supposed to make asses of themselves. Oh how I pine for the solid man who WOULDN'T attend one of these.

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