Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Saturday, March 13, 2004
It is extremely irksome to have to judge the POLITICS of an article before judging its MERIT. When National Review gets itself hospitalized with nervous exhaustion over P. R. MEL it's obvious; the editors want to STICK IT IN THE LIBERALS' FACES, and besides, the magazine invented the odious concept of THE CONSERVATIVE MOVIE. And in its latest issue The New Yorker runs a scathing attack on shopping malls -- but before you can agree with the premise you must realize this IS The New Yorker (YES, The New Yorker), home of such sieg-heil leftist partisans as Sidney Blumenthal and Hendrik Hertzberg (as well as such less partisan but equally fatuous frauds as KEN FELATTA and David "Wall Street and Porn Made Me Do It" Denby). Too often reasonable articles are negated by their surrounding aura. Mike Kelly was on his way to making The Atlantic Monthly definitive and close to non-partisan in its judgments, but of course he had to die on us. Why must we be forced to judge every article by its POLITICS?