Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, March 20, 2004

A MEA CULPA: In several posts I've mentioned the STERNO gang's obsession over bad dirty jokes. I might understand the occasional dirty joke if it were funny, or witty. And I must confess that in my never-to-be-published college satire I have a few jokes of the questionable kind. But I know without hearing them what kind of jokes STERNO's favorites spew over the air, and as I must say again, STERNO, some forms of expression are far more worthy of FIRST AMENDMENT PROTECTION than BAD ADOLESCENTS' dirty jokes.

One other thing: the Metropolitan Opera is in danger of losing its radio voice thanks to its inability to attract sponsors; yet BAD DIRTY JOKES seem to draw millions in ads. How can you defend this, STERNO?

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