Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Well, I'm on DSL today, and it's a little disconcerting after the snail's crawl of the last few years. I think I understand how PROF gets the ENERGY to post 100 times a day -- and I'm sure HE DOESN'T PAY FOR HIS CONNECTION.

I had problems: my computer bloop-bleeped after I put in the Ethernet card (of course I didn't follow directions), but Dell saved me -- it apparently installed the software when it built the computer, so I didn't need the CD. (Thank you, Michael!) And the Creative Broadxent (pronounced broadgzent?) modem is spiffy, but it has a big footprint.

And just as I suspected -- GOOGLEBLOGGER STILL HICCUPS!

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