Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

JOKE OF THE DAY: I got a PLEA from TWX Internet Service BEGGING ME to RETURN. Whom are they kidding? This marketing's so low-IQ it's off the bell curve. Switching back to AOL from DSL would be like abandoning a car for a horseless buggy (and I mean HORSEless), and I don't care if People is "solidly reported." (NEWS HACKS have said the same thing about USA OKAY, and it's true because most of the stories read like CEMENT BLOCKS.) And if I piggyback I'm wasting $15 a month on BLOATWARE that'll probably hiccup my connection. At least in the old days the outfit handed out reusable floppies; now it's CDs, ZILLIONS of CDs, which travel to mass graves in landfills and leach chemicals. PLUS mine came in a big wasteful BOX whose birth helped kill a few trees. NO THANK YOU, KING RICHARD, YOU GOT YOUR BONUS.

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