Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, April 15, 2004

OOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooh! Dubya oughta quake in his COWBOY BOOTS! HOWIE'S FIXED HIS WEB SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For a man who brought bad adolescent dirty jokes to radio it sure looks a lot like, or -- take out the girls and it's totally bereft of humor. I thought the schtick of your show was "a good time!" Yeah, a good time fomenting a headache. And all the millions and millions and millions who will vote for DIPPITY-DO! because SAM BROWNBACK WANTS TO TAKE THEIR EENIE-WEENIE-PEENIE JOKES AWAY!!!!! -- and a good many of these jerks under voting age, and mostly MALE, which leaves dummies, as Howie is hardly what is called "office-safe," unless your office is in a red-light district. Rush could energize his listeners because he was a new force, and conservatives could say they'd been marginalized in and out of government -- and besides, you didn't have to listen to the show in a brown paper bag. A man who makes zillions working for the underboss of a $40 billion media crime family and who has a cadre of unthinking fans (in both senses) is hardly neglected. The abject failure of ErrAmerica despite megatons of PR points to the lack of a liberal listenership for talk radio. As for glibertarians, many of them are busy masturbating on the Web. No Howie, you can talk about the First Amendment until your hundreds of checkbooks cry for mercy, but in the end, your show is all about the size of a porn star's TITS. (Sorry for the language, but that it is.)

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