Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, April 18, 2004

TIME [SIC] Magazine on Sunday published its list of the 100 "World's Most Influential People,'' including President Bush, who it called "a radical gambler.''...

The Dalai Lama, made the "Heroes and Icons'' list. So did golfer Tiger Woods and soccer star David Beckham -- along with California's new governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
[FIRST and LAST grafs.]

Gotta repeat something -- AGAIN:

...[T]here are many reasons for the rise of The List. The top five reasons are:

1) Lists are the easiest way to organize information without actually thinking.

2) Magazine editors are too lazy to think of anything more creative.

3) Magazine editors figure their readers are too lazy to read anything but lists.

4) Magazine readers really are too lazy to read anything but lists.

5) David Letterman's Top Ten lists have warped everybody's mind.

Most magazine lists are, needless to say, totally stupid.

P. S. AND:

Peter Jackson, director of the film epic "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King,'' and J.K. Rowling, who wrote the Harry Potter books, were listed as "Artists and Entertainers.''

I have NO idea why THEY'RE there. Do YOU, STERNO?!?!?

And a SPECIAL THANKS to the REUT, which apparently ran a PRESS RELEASE as NEWS -- witness that "Time" is CAPITALIZED THREE TIMES in the story.

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