Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, April 24, 2004

We'll never know exactly what caused the North Korean catastrophe: the closest witnesses are all dead, and even if people who knew survived, they'd be executed as ENEMIES OF THE DEAR IMMORTAL LEADER for knowing too much. And the truth, one suspects, is nearly as volatile a thing as what blew too many Koreans up. As I said, this will not be a Chernobyl, partly because Chernobyl was NUCLEAR, and partly because there were DISSIDENTS in the Soviet Union, unlike THE WORKERS' PARADISE, which no doubt has a meat-grinding machine nearly as efficient as Hitler's.

One other thing: I do not expect any "international organization" within a STONE'S THROW of the LEAGUE OF NATIONS to tell us the whole truth -- and that INCLUDES the International Red Cross.

Why am I thinking after the cleanup things will return to EXACTLY AS THEY WERE BEFORE?

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