6:37 AM
by Gene
Another one of those "the-truth-in-ten-words" stories from news hacks:
'Was it just rubbish?' some have asked of the works of art destroyed in this week's warehouse fire.
Given the nature of the art involved, the best answer is "almost certainly."
But just in case:
The Chapman brothers' Hell was arguably the greatest of these. It was definitely one of the ones you would have given an even chance of surviving - in art history at least. It was, I think, the best of all this generation's art, with the exception of Damien Hirst's vitrines - in fact, it was about the only work that built on Hirst, using his tanks in a way he never would, to make a picture. It was a pungent and individual fantasy, a convincing landscape of atrocity: funny, horrible and worthy of comparison with the visions of hell it quoted by Botticelli and Dante and Rodin and Francis Ford Coppola.
Now I have the answer: CERTAINLY.