Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

A brilliant line in Christopher Hitchens' eloquent piece on the stoopid prison wardens of Iraq:

Colin Powell likes to talk to the composer of the first draft of blah.

And with his son they've dictated a veritable SYMPHONY of blah.

Here's where I differ with Mr. Hitchens: what happened in those prisons was wrong and must be punished; the problem is, NEWS HACKS being in the FIFTH COLUMN can develop an extreme case of myopia, further intensified by their petty politics and self-centered ways -- hence the mistreatment of Iraqi POWs becomes the Holocaust -- and because so many of us are getting not to trust ONE WORD out of these overbearing millionaire frauds we cannot even be sure of what happened there. Punish the mutineers (as Mr. Hitchens aptly calls them), but don't punish the aim.

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