Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Monday, May 17, 2004
A literary critic opines:
Reviewing new literary magazines is like spanking mayflies. Most of them are small, defenseless and not long for this world. Where's the percentage in it? But also like mayflies -- or ephemerids, as these insects are charmingly called -- literary magazines play an ever more indispensable role in the publishing food chain. And recently, especially here on the West Coast, they're starting to swarm. This one paragraph hints why most writers can't write. Likening literary reviews to flying insects is not the most flattering trope, as many such insects (think garden-variety flies and mosquitoes) are strictly bad news, and they tend to congregate in unhealthy places. ONWARD AND UPWARD WITH LI-TER-RAT-TYOOR! (Thanks AGAIN,