Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Let us be blunt: MICKEYMOUSE NIXON has destroyed His company's "family" franchise. By turning His company into just another media megaconglomerate, by openly courting controversy and by fervently releasing R-rated movies and financing Michael Moore, by getting His company into the CapCities morass for the sake of His huge ego, and putting anything on the air to extricate Himself, and by being a regal pain where the sun don't shine, NIXON has told many of His customers to go screw themselves. The effect is taking hold now: He can't find a buyer for His retail stores, His animation unit's in the gutter, many of His recent releases have underperformed in the BEEEEEEEEEEE-O, His last two big budget films have been BOMBS, and the last two movies bearing His company's putative founder's name have been BOMBS. Even if saintly little Walter Jr., er ROY gets his wish and finally pushes NIXON out, he'll have won (as I stated before) a PYRRHIC VICTORY, for NIXON did so much damage all His company has are assets. Goodwill is a thing of the past at ESPNCorp.

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