Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, June 28, 2004

One of the politico's favorite ways of mangling English is with "the floating 'hopefully.'" Mssssssssss. Pelosi starts her statement with one, a "hopefully" that insinuates with any luck Iraq will be a QUAGMIRE -- the only problem being if it's a QUAGMIRE it's a QUAGMIRE for the IRAQIS too (Democrats and peaceniks seem to forget that). That said, having grown tired of Rashomon and facing liars of both sides and all persuasions, and for the sake of a brief bit of fresh air, let us presume Mssssssssss. Pelosi wants the best for Iraq, even if she expressed herself through a staffer who could not write his or her (mustn't be sexist around Mssssssssss. Pelosi) way out of a QUAGMIRE.

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