Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

This is the week every @#$%&* ad-blurb copywriter puts on the costume and does the high-holy hosannah for THE GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT IN FILM HISTORY, which leaves us wondering how the biz managed for over 100 years and gets us daydreaming of newspapers without AD-BLURB COPYWRITERS.

What's more, in the fatuous, obfuscatory, sideways and thoroughly cute manner that is THE PAPER OF RECORD's, A. O. with B. O. intimates that THE GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT IN FILM HISTORY isn't so great because it's great, it's because the SURROUNDING MASTERPIECES are so BAD. But of course the LAST place to find straightforward writing is in THE PAPER OF RECORD.

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