Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, June 21, 2004

Today at the salsa McDonald's I frequent a manager (I presume) was leafing through two thick loose-leaf binders, one at least two inches thick and the other three inches. Atop one binder was a booklet titled, "Utility Management."

Con-SER-vatives always like to gloat that Mickey D's is THE Miracle of Capitalism; I suspect it's more bogged down in paperwork than the Feds. It's only come back due to salads and shrewd PR, and maybe some executive hinting to the franchisees that their emporia must be slightly cleaner.

Another thing: when it comes to FINANCING CRAP ON TV, one word is DEFINITELY in its vocabulary: JUDGMENTAL. That's precisely the word I would expect to hear from those lobbyists at the American Society of Willfully Ignorant Advertsiers were they to e-mail me back. JUDGMENTAL, of course, is a code word for CONSERVATIVE. And that's code for, we'll write off at least a third of our customers so we can do what we damn well please.

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