Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, July 26, 2004

Why I will never succeed as a blogger: One of ANDY S.'s fans sums up in seventeen words why he supports THE DIP, so OF COURSE Andy spends 706 words saying 1. why he's not doing it and 2. why it's the honorable thing to do. (I'll presume, having not read his words, nor will I; melodrama's not my cup of tea.) In getting hits there's no substitute for verbiage, indeed for flat-out BLOVIATING, and I CANNOT VERBOSELY BLOVIATE. There are only so many seconds in the day.

P. S. In counting ANDY's words I discovered you can paste his invisible sentences into Word and IT CAN STILL COUNT THE WORDS! NEATO, BUGGY BILL! (Even better are the red and green squiggles that appear all over the pages! This is ART!)

P. P. S. I will not comment that in pasting ANDY's latest melodrama into Word only his headings and his admirer's comment are visible.

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