Eugene David ...The One-Minute Pundit |
Friday, August 13, 2004
This is why I am so incredibly jaundiced about the GE Bancorp Orgy: it's about manufacturing heroes; it's about inventing virtues (athleticism as heroism, for one; you'd think L'Affaire Kobe would teach us something); it's about bathos; it's about showing off; it's about huge corporations wasting money on hubris and their CEOs' immortality; it's about Babbittry; it's about avarice; it's about fear. For seventeen intolerable days the news hacks of the world will get out every last hackeneyed trope and frayed adjective to convince us something "historic" is happening, that something "unforgettable" is in the air, when only the expert or the most hopeless of the Orgy's addicts can tell any difference between the best of this show's derring-do and the last, and when the seventeen intolerable days are over hardly anyone save the CEOs and the hacks will remember anything, and all that will remain are the debts, and the losses, and the headaches.
And THEN comes the SECOND INFOMERCIAL. Oiiiiiiiiiiii!