Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, September 12, 2004

How often since L'Affaire BLATHER hit the fan have Freepers posted a version of this:

(VIACON, please note, has since spun off Blockbuster and changed TNN to Spike TV.)

When the LORD GOD SUMNERS tried to sell the world on SYNERGY one of the tricks they had was to convince easily gullible news hacks and their separated-at-birth twins the sales -- ANALYSTS that the idea of one big company owning so many media outlets was a kind of in-joke; you know who owns what, and we know who owns what, but by obscuring the corporate identity of all our outlets THE PUBLIC wouldn't know -- all the better to play a great big PRACTICAL JOKE on them.

That won't work any more. When one media outlet in a SUPERTOWER OF BABBLE does wrong, the whole company is besmirched, as it should be. Thus when a VIACON stages sex in a Catholic church, or exposes Ms. Boob, or tells lies to elect DIPPITY-DO, every finger points straight to the top, and to the WHOLE. Corporate responsibility is nothing when no one is accountable, and part of the trick of SYNERGY was to see to precisely that. (That also holds true, sorry to say FREEPERS, for RUPERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, who owns The Weekly Standard and FX. He's played tricks even longer than the LORD GOD SUMNER, and he's not as old.) Unfortunately, GOD, thanks to your never-ending ANTICS we ceased being that gullible a long time ago.

P. S. I got this version of VIACON'S boast off an Indymedia affiliate -- from a screed demanding a boycott of the company for CENSORING THE REAGANS. And as Internet denizens know too well, six of one is not half a dozen of the other when your enemy does it.

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