Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

I figured out why I've gotten my most hits since the InstaSpike -- people are looking for the video of the execution of Eugene Armstrong. Sorry, none here, nor would there ever be; leave the vermin to themselves. To say this as delicately as possible, putting a computer before some folks may not make them smarter.

If on the other hand you're all hitting me up because of my brilliant wisdom (pffh-hh-hh), more power to you!

P. S. One thing I'm proud of is that 80 percent of my hits come from people with XP and 2000, so I must have a technologically savvy crowd. (Or maybe Bill sold them a lot of computers.) But how to explain why a fifth of them come from Netscape browsers? Go figure.

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