Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, September 23, 2004

LA TINA emotes:

Are the media having a nervous breakdown?

Never mind that I used the term before she did, so it can't be that original. She continues:

[C]yberspace is populated by a coalition of political obsessives and pundits on speed who get it wrong as much as they get it right. It's just that they type so much they are bound to nail a story from time to time.

The rapturing about the bloggers is the journalistic equivalent of the stock market's Internet bubble.

That second point we'll concede, even though the Internet's still here; but we can't tell the diff between the Web's "political obsessives and pundits on speed" and the pros except the pros obfuscate their shtick with terms like "fairness" and "objectivity." By every conceivable measure DANNO and MARY flunked on both accounts, and a few more besides, and they make more money than an office-building FULL of political obsessives and pundits on speed. And we'll submit DANNO did more drugs for his reporting than have most of the obsessives.

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