Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, September 19, 2004

One of the latest cliches in the public square is that MSM (as some bloggers must put it) is DEAD. The people saying it are the likes of Rush (who makes $500 quintazillion bloviating over four million radio stations) or the Wall Street Journals Conservative Edition (circulation two million, give or take the million who subscribe to the Liberal Edition). This clever irony aside, let's compare: how much did Buckhead make debunking Danno's truth? How much does the Decaying Triumvirate of Tom, Danno and Pee-TAH make? How many shares in VIACON does one suspect Buckhead owns? How many by THE LORD GOD SUMNER? No, David gave it his best shot, but for now, the Goliath still stands.

P. S. Speaking of shares, that the Freepers were gloating over THE GOD selling approximately .17 percent of His VIACON stock (and ZERO of His voting rights) shows they have an occasional tendency to self-delusion.

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