Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Speaking of Danno, John Leo sings this little ditty:

[T]he goal should be to make CBS more honest, not to delegitimize it or drive it out of business. Already there are calls for congressional hearings--a bad idea. Do we want an all-out vengeful assault on CBS, or do we simply want the network to come to its senses and play stories straight?

It should not be impossible to do good news. But it may be impossible to stop vengeance, what with a long and partisan CBS history stretching back to The Selling of the Pentagon, and beyond. And given my preceding post, there's another rub: with media as mere playthings for corporations and GENIUSES, and with men like THE MOONER rubbing his attitude in our faces, why should we expect, or even hope for, improvement? Government hearings, though, ARE a BAD idea.

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