Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

A thought: what if this goes against the grain of thinking and proves a GOP dirty trick? If there's one thing to the post 9-11 world it's that anything can happen, the screwier the more likely. And enough people (especially in the pajama party) are so thoroughly convinced it was a liberal or Democrat, just as Danno is so thoroughly convinced the documents are real, that they're setting themselves up for a big gotcha. News hacks would be dancing on air for months. Such a possibility seems unlikely given the evidence to date (mostly from MS Word and Photoshop) and Danno's blazing liberal partisanship, but consider the old saying, I don't care if he's an SOB so long as he's my SOB. On the other hand, I must bring up Don Keough's line about New Coke; whoever did this is not that dumb and not that smart.

Well, not that smart, anyway.

I think I can see why STERNO's mad. But he ditched his boat when he pledged his allegiance to YAHWEH -- the man who created SIXTY MINUTES THE SECOND.

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