Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, October 17, 2004

For the life of me I do not know why the TRIB's endorsing Dubya. The TRIB is as CW as papers get, its heart residing in Don "I LUV BOONDOCKS" Wycliff, who defends his paper's every last scribble no matter how biased or unreasonable; its parent owns OMERTA's LALATimes and a thousand other CW papers and fancies itself a POWERHOUSE in SHOW-BIZ, and it's partnered with the TWXSTERS in a TV network. A paper like the TRIB reminds me of a line in Ben Jonson's unjustly neglected comedy Bartholomew Fair;

He that will sweare, Ieronimo, or Andronicus are the best playes, yet, shall passe vnexcepted at, here, as a man whose Iudgement shewes it is constant, and hath stood still, these fiue and twentie, or thirtie yeeres. Though it be an Ignorance, it is a vertuous and stay'd ignorance; and next to truth, a confirm'd errour does well; such a one the Author knowes where to finde him.

The nominal reason TRIB's endorsing Dubya is it has a "record" of endorsing Republican candidates, which would qualify to some as a "confirm'd errour," and certainly "confirm'd errours" go back to beyond Col. McCormick; but every day its owner puts out untold examples of "vertuous and stay'd ignorance," "vertuous" for being liberal, "stay'd" for being just. For that reason it's likely TRIB's endorsement is an act, a false front for ideological conformity, a strategem the owners may have pushed on the paper given the industry's SIEG HEIL; if so, it is even more the "CONFIRM'D ERROUR," and we readers will ALWAYS know where to find it.

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