Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, October 25, 2004

Here it is -- the story that little TIPPED POWER LINE on, the story these GUTSY BLOGGERS have stayed awake for two consecutive days and nights to follow, the story that will BRING DOWN DIPPITY-DO!!'s CAMPAIGN -- YES, here it is:


Maybe he was asleep at the time. Or maybe THEY were asleep at the time. IT'S THE LEAGUE OF NATIONS. Does it matter?

I can see it now: little sitting sentinel at his computer, gulping down thirty-two cups of coffee and going to the bathroom every twenty minutes, banging on his keyboard and screaming into his monitor: "Story! STORY! Where's the story??? WHERE'S THE @%$^*! STORY??????????"

We need YOUR help to learn the DIP! tells TALL TALES, little, POWER? You're pretty good with your fables about Idi Amin and YASSIR, little.

P. S. And just how EARTH-SHATTERING is this report? Well, on the Washington Times' home page it's third down -- below "The Insider Politics Blog."

P. P. S. Why am I thinking Joel, the same guy who sat there credulously on THE 700 CLUB while REV. PAT suggested someone nuke Foggy Bottom, hint-hinted his story on to little?

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