Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

I don't like Pee-TAH -- he's $8 million of ATTITUDE -- but I don't like the way little clips an interview of his, no doubt because the BOOM-BOOM SITE he copied it from quotes him like this:

"I'm a little concerned about this notion everybody wants us to be objective," Jennings said.

We have little doubt of Pee-TAH's -- OBJECTIVITY. Problem is, THE ARTICLE GOES ON:

Jennings said that everyone -- even journalists -- have points of view through which they filter their perception of the news. It could be race, sex or income. But, he said, reporters are ideally trained to be as objective as possible.

"And when we don't think we can be fully objective, to be fair," the anchorman said.

The truth is, THAT BOOM-BOOM SITE wouldn't have existed but for the obsession of bloggers over FONTS AND SUPERSCRIPTS -- and QUOTING SELECTIVELY, if not the brazen falsehood DAN BLATHER committed, is an untruth in itself.

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