Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, October 22, 2004

I know NEWS HACKS PINCH themselves when they type such idle verbiage, but a story like this is supremely depressing and irritating because 1.) We're stuck with this GENIUS, 2.) NEWS HACKS are foursquare behind this GENIUS so we're stuck with NEWS HACKS calling this GENIUS, 3.) We're stuck with NEWS HACKS trotting out the same blankety-blank PERFESSERS of the B. S. THOMPSON STRIPE who call this GENIUS so the NEWS HACKS can call this GENIUS, 4.) So long as the MEDIA-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX puts out nothing but this GENIUS WE WON'T DO BETTER.

And (C)RAP (I know scribbler, we are NOT supposed to call it THAT) is an analogue of BLOGGING as both drone on and on and on, and are richly disposable.

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