Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, October 28, 2004

I wish I could access actual pages from defunct newspapers. I recall seeing the front page of the long defunct Philadelphia Record, a rabidly Democratic table pounder, from the day after FDR accepted his nomination for a second term. Though full of the adjectives news hacks have long disdained in favor of the cute hint and the clever nudge, there was no escaping the majesty of this front page, and of the event it chronicled: One of the greatest orators ever in the White House, speaking before 100,000 at Franklin Field (what a name! What a stadium!) imploring that "this generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny!" Though subsequent events would impart a heavy irony on those words -- indeed Roosevelt almost anticipates the coming horrible war -- there was no mistaking this was a speech you could relate to your grandchildren, and they would get goose bumps too. That he collapsed on the podium during an impassioned sentence and had to be helped up (his polio was still largely unknown to the public) could only add to the aura.

Today DIPPITY-DO!!!!! appeared before 80,000 at Madison. That statement is anti-climactic in itself; but most of the 80,000 were surely there to see THE MAN KNIGHTED BY LORD KOPPEL OF ESPNDOM AS THE GREATEST MUSICIAN OF ALL TIME. I do not know who introduced whom (by rights DIP should have been first); but unless the DO!!!!! forgot his ancient Senate mannerisms and delivered a plea for the ages I'd guess the crowd was bored by the third paragraph, as it could never be in the presence of GENIUS. Oh to be a writer for, say, THE PAPER OF RECORD, and turn such a crass, numbing, degraded show of manic arm-waving into the ACHIEVEMENT of YESTERYEAR, to make a fumbling hoity-toity unlikeable left-wing NIXON into -- A POLITICAL GENIUS! INTO -- A ROOSEVELT!!!!!

As today's unfortunate events at TRIBCO proved, lying only goes so far.

P. S. Yes, I know all about FDR's "deviousness," and his shameful compromises. But he was still among the best the age had to offer, and for being the best he was at his best damned good.

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