Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, October 31, 2004

The other day Saddam's cretinous mouthpiece Doc-TOR Jim McDermott was fined $600,000 in the wiretapping of his fellow congressman John Boehner. Consider this paragraph:

In a harshly worded decision received by attorneys this week, U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Hogan said McDermott's "willful and knowing misconduct rises to the level of malice in this case."

Malice. How much of what goes in politics rises to the level of malice? How much of what goes on in the luxury news suites, the Hollywood studios, in academe, in big business, rises to the level of malice?

Doc-TOR McDermott is just a small pile of sleaze atop a very scummy iceberg.

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