Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, October 25, 2004

Someone who works for a would-be BUTTMAN INSTITUTE tries to prove his wonkish worth by attempting AN ANALOGY:

Like big government (run by the decision makers in Congress), the Yankees think that indiscriminately throwing lots of money at a problem solves it. For four years now, New York has missed out on a World Series championship, which owner George Steinbrenner believes is his, and his fans', birthright.

Unfortunately, for three years running (and four out of five) George spent money indiscriminately and did win World Series.

And how to explain all those con-SER-vatives who believe if the Sox win it's the end of the world because the team's based in TAXACHUSETTS?

Sports has nothing to do with politics except when owners do the shakedown, and Republicans and Democrats alike are all too willing to take THE PRONE POSITION.

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