Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, November 27, 2004

An article like this would normally be another liberal tantrum of powerlessness (Norm's presence -- he's the Perfesser Thompson of politics -- confirms it); but last time a party had total control of government it was kicked out of Congress a scant two years later, having sleazed over after six decades' rule. Republicans may gloat now, and they have a decided advantage in that the Dems couldn't think their way out of a hole in the ground; but given the puny achievements of total control the last time, we cannot expect much from THEM; and what is more, the Reps are doing exactly the same thing as the Dems did, and while their onanistic dream may not end soon, it can only end (and it will end -- sorry, POWER LINE!!!!!) in crashing corruption.

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