Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Blogging rose to the level of malice today. Whether it was the foul-mouthed Wonkette or the pea-brained WALTER WINCHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, people were out to influence an election. In this I see no difference between these self-appointed clarions of democracy and the Three Stooges of the nightly news -- their lives begin with them, and end with them.

And count on the dweebs at NRO to be doing their part in spreading rumors -- as the last time. Indeed a close examination of the Iowa Business and Gaming School's 2000 chart shows a wild swing on the last day. These are people who almost seem to get their jollies spreading rumors for -- profit?

Which raises another question: could an election be rigged? Could it be rigged to profit speculators in the electronic gaming markets? If so this would mark the end of democracy as we know it -- which might not altogether be a bad thing, as democracy seems to work too often only for the rich and the well-connected.

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