Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, November 16, 2004


Leaving aside the sheer megatonnage of STUPIDITY in running such a stunt days after THE CASTOR OIL AFFAIR, who could have figured this would be more than a cheesy promo in a forgettable game, of interest solely to the teams' respective fans? But then came SUMNER and MS. BOOB. And this isn't just the boonies talking, or the mere matter of a towel. Given the NFL's reaction Broadcasting and Cable says in a handful of words this may be the push that shoves the MNF package out of ESPNCorp. LAST NIGHT'S RATINGS DID NOT HELP. Well, goodbye and get lost.

And THANKS AGAIN, G000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000GLEBLOGGER, for BEING DOWN NEARLY AN HOUR when I WANTED TO POST THIS.

P. S. Then again Commish Tagliafool just got a neat deal from SUM and MR. MOONER, so he may not feel like criticizing TOO much.

P. P. S. "I think ABC Sports should be absolutely, positively ashamed of itself for the opening to Monday Night Football," says Peter King of SI.

(Oh well, those girls merely pose.)

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