Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Here's something I wish would shut NEWS HACKS up: a front page from THE PAPER OF RE-CORD from 1962 that appears in a book I have. Here were the top headlines:

Common Market and British Voice Hopes in Impasse

President Names Dean at Columbia to Post on A. E. C.

City Acts to Pay Its Bills Faster

Who remembers these stories? Do they have any significance now? Where are the fool Jonny Alters and Gliberals to debate them? Well, there was one front-page hed to remember:

Marilyn Monroe Dead, Pills Near

And no, Jonny, this does NOT prove PAT and MR. MARK were RIGHT in COLLABORATING, for even THE PAPER OF RE-CORD (in an un-bylined "special") had to admit MM was one of the all-timers, and your and your boss's synergistic gushing will go down the rat hole like Common Market impasses, Columbia deans and New York City bills.

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