Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, November 22, 2004


[I]t seems reasonable for abortion opponents or gun owners to assume that newsrooms full of pro-choice Second Amendment-haters haven't been and won't ever be fair. Yet newsrooms, from the New York Times down, reject that argument, too.

At least one speaker at the editors' conference thought this argument was reasonable.

The Times' ombudsman.

At a Friday panel discussion, I asked Times Public Editor Daniel Okrent whether he thought it was a problem that polls showed reporters and editors are overwhelmingly Democrats and liberals. Sure, he said -- "We have to have intellectual diversity."

Unfortunately, Okrent wasn't around when [Chris] Hedges vented. But Okrent may have had Hedges (and Hedges' bosses) in mind at another point in his remarks.

"Arrogance has gone off the charts at the Times more than any other place," he said.

No kidding.

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