Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, November 29, 2004

Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I suppose I SHOULD be more respectful of people like Mr. Gutierrez, but why is it so many of America's head honchos are interchangeable technocrats? Besides I have NO respect for the CEOs of our leading consumer-marketing powerhouses because they spend so much of their time financing JUNK TELEVISION, and they REVEL in it. (Think how many times The Big K has run promos on its cereal boxes and you can only be convinced their biggest product line is SHOW-BIZ.) At least this guy's new job is largely ceremonial, dodging jet lag at international conferences, acting as a one-man Rotary Club for big business (but nonetheless with a strong possibility of mischief; if he's like too many of his predecessors, he can give goodly departments of the store away). He will also attend the occasional BUSINESS-and-EDUCATION conferences whose sole purpose is to see that our SKOOLS turn out more COGWHEELS for the CUBICLE MAZES, and anything else be DAMNED.

I guess I'm annoyed too because THE MOST POWERFUL POWER LINE!!!!! (besides using the inevitable annoying "Grrreat!" in recopying Dubya's words) ran a piece on one of the too many rockers to whom SUPERDUPERMEGAGIGABLOGGERS spend too much of their non-blogging time listening. Honest, if they had better tastes they probably wouldn't say "GRRREAT." But then they probably wouldn't be SUPERDUPERMEGAGIGABLOGGERS.

P. S. Even MARKETWATCH's tablepounders concede that despite firing blameless workers and spending half his time in Hollywood Carlos has just managed to get Kellogg's profits above 1994 levels. This, among technocrats, is an ACHIEVEMENT.

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