Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Sites like POWER LINE!!!!!!!!!!!! can be next to useless because they always rely on the same three sources: The Wall Street Journals Conservative Edition (and especially the FREELOADERS' REVIEW), The Washington Times, THE NEW YORK POST!!!!!!!!!!, plus some very like-minded bloggers. As Dick Gephardt's nomination for vice president and EXIT POLLS have proved, these sources have -- problems. I try to keep my options open, but even then there's no way of knowing what's out on the Web, and I always bang my head on the keyboard thinking I'm missing some sites of real value. But I do know when a SUPERDUPERMEGAGIGABLOGGER finds something he touts as TERRIFIC!!!!!, you can be sure it's just a political version of AIN'T IT COOL NEWS.

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