Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Sounds like Danno's warding off a firing.

Not that he has to worry. Much.

P. S. POWER LINE!!!!! takes the appropriate credit:


NO HE WAS NOT, and there is no evidence yet that he was. Knowing Danno he thinks he's going out with the crowd cheering. Knowing VIACON, so does IT.

THIS is why people complain -- sorry STERNO!!!!!, they're RIGHT to complain -- about the CREDIBILITY OF BLOGGERS.

Nor am I sure, though the organizations they front be obsolete, though serious news consumers no longer watch them except perhaps to measure the CW, that the passing of THE THREE STOOGES marks the end of the nightly network news. Twenty million still tune in -- more than listen to RUSH -- or HOWARD -- or the NO-SPIN SPIN SPIN SPIN ZONE -- or even MICHAEL MEDVED.

NEWSMAX!!!!!!!!!!!! TAKES CREDIT TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P. P. S. Well, I guess there IS a crowd cheering.

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