Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Thursday, November 04, 2004

STERNO SCREAMS AND HOLLERS AND POUTS AND WAILS because someone would attack HIS BELOVED BLOGS. (I'm expecting STERNO to someday morph into the AL GORE of BLOGGING.) So what precisely is wrong with this observation you cite (which I cite more fully)?

[T]he only readers of blogs ... are bloggers! They are a good group. Educated and engaged. But they're also like mice in a rotating cage: running in place, bumping into the same old people.

Despite all the anti-Bush screeds on Web logs, the frequent priming of wordy bonfires with Bush's National Guard duty records, the rush to judgment about missing explosives in Iraq ... it just didn't matter. All those opinions. All that Internet buzz. So little impact. Could it be not even bloggers trust what they read on blogs?

Blogs were quick to publish real or made-up exit polls at midafternoon, showing Kerry strength. That killed a 60-point rally in the Dow Jones Industrial Average.

At least some traders read blogs, then, and act on what they read. Not so, it would appear, young voters. Advertisers including Nike and Audi think Weblogs are the medium to reach young consumers. So where was the youth and minority vote? Not reading political blogs, it appears. MSNBC says the percentage of young voters who cast ballots was the same as it was four years ago.


NOTE: That biz with the exit polls was spread from the IDIOT WONKETTE by THE IDIOT WALTER WINCHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, who technically doesn't run a BLOG, he runs -- HISTORY.

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