Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, November 28, 2004

STERNO's alter ego and former fellow SYNERGIST DICK "GUNS CAUSED COLUMBINE!!!!!" CORLISS writes 5,261 TIRESOME WORDS about movie sex, and OF COURSE, being a FLAILING BURNING HACK he must NOT realize he thoroughly VOIDS his 5,261 TIRESOME WORDS with TWENTY WORDS from Mike Nichols:

"I think sex in a movie is boring," Nichols says, "just as a scene of someone eating dinner is not that interesting" [punctuational SIC]

So this is what we've come to: all that FREEDOM, all that SEX, and the topic is BORING. This is why I HATE AD-BLURB COPYWRITERS with an ASEXUAL PASSION: their OPEN-MINDED GROUPTHINK helped GET MOVIES in their CURRENT MESS -- and our SOCIETY TOO.

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