Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Saturday, November 27, 2004

To be sure, an article like this may just be liberals again going WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! DEY WON'T INVITE ME TO DA PAHTY! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! (the presence of Norm, the Perfesser Thompson of politics, confirms it); but lest we forget, Democrats ran the government for two years after Slick came in -- and they were out of Congress by '94, having been thoroughly sleazed over after six decades of majority rule. Con-SER-va-tives may gloat now, but given the puny achievements of total control the last time, we cannot expect much from THEM; and what is more, the Reps are doing exactly what the Dems did, and while their onanistic dream may not end soon -- the Dems couldn't think their way out of a hole in the ground -- it can only end (as it will end -- sorry, POWERLINE!!!!!) in crashing corruption.

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