Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Which is not to say that MR. MARK ever forgets his ROOTS -- the HITLER DIARIES, Joe "Nobel Prize in Literature" Klein, etc. AS IN:

Earlier this fall, Jackson invited NEWSWEEK to be the first to visit the set of "King Kong"....

LIKE HELL. GE BANCORP SENT THE INVITE. So we should say LITTLE JEFFREY wooed your flack to the set, or Bob "Plastic Man" Wright -- or, at least figuratively speaking, PAT KINGSLEY, since she figuratively writes half the rag.

P. S. The Imagineering Goodthings folks (we should give credit to the FRENCH WATER WORKS FOLKS, since it really happened under their mismanagement) are doing this because there's a King Kong attraction at its theme park in Universal City -- a GREAT REASON TO REMAKE A REVERED PICTURE. Sounds like SIX SIGMA to me!

P. P. S. Universal didn't even make the original. RKO RADIO did.

P. P. P. S. RKO was once a joint venture run by (among others) Joe "The Fascist Fornicator" Kennedy Sr. and RCA. Guess what happened to RCA. It is not written in the Bible that GE BANCORP has to last forever.

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