Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, December 24, 2004

Another NEWS HACK CONUNDRUM: [C]RAP is GENIUS FOR THE AGES, and most of the HOOPS PRIMA-DONNAS are SUPERMILLIONAIRES (something we can relate to, as more than a few of our own know big bucks); but if the music and the prima-donnas get too tight it might lead to -- THINGS THAT DON'T LOOK GOOD.

Happily we decided before we let our fingers do the talking. The NBA'S EDGY, and EDGY is a CODE WORD FOR WE LIKE IT.

Two clues that we're dealing with idiots: some "marketing consultant" says it's okay to alienate the "over-40 crowd" (he should know; he's negotiated enough DEALS with ADVERTISERS), and "[t]wo NBA sponsors — the International Dairy Foods Assn. and Nestle — did not return calls for this article." Smashing.

P. S. Thanks, OMERTA, for the EARLY CHRISTMAS PRESENT. Already we're annoyed and Santa hasn't even arrived. BAH HUMBUG to you.

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