Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

THE BLOGGERS OF THE MILLENNIUM'S WAR with RAGING NICK has gone beyond politics, and perhaps the personal as well. How do we gain from the biggest food fight blogging has yet known? This is turning into one long spite match REGARDLESS of who's right. And this is why when SUPERDUPERMEGAGIGABLOGGERS talk about their purity what little calls a BS DETECTOR goes off. One can't keep out the suspicion EVERYONE INVOLVED is doing this for THE PUBLICITY. Well, we all know THE BLOGGERS OF THE MILLENNIUM now, and we all know RAGING NICK. Problem is, we know a pretty fierce SKUNK SMELL too.

And all the SUPERDUPERMEGAGIGABLOGGERS are talking about it, which means they'll obsess for WEEKS -- and be every bit as tiresome as NEWS HACKS.

I must also admit easy stunts like this get me mad that after two years all I can manage is about two dozen page views a day, and I have to work for them. Oh well, it was once half-a-dozen.

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