Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Friday, December 24, 2004

Blue Country reviews Walt Disney's Mary Poppins. Blue Country is not amused.

I would not expect different from THE PAPER OF RE-CORD and a veteran of, but jeez, here's why we can't expect truthful writing from the ad-blurb copywriters: they're not merely from another planet, they're from another planet in a parallel universe. I've not seen Mary Poppins since its theatrical release and doubt that it's that good, but I do recall it was entertaining. Most people who saw it no doubt found it entertaining. Unfortunately these days the only way a movie gets raves from the blurbists is if it's VIOLENT, and DARK, and -- EDGY (I HATE THAT WORD!!!!!), and confirms that ALL WISDOM RESIDES IN LIBERALS. This pile of words only confirms the essential hermetically-sealed nature of ad-blurbists, a phenomenon proved for all time when the LEGENDARY Pauline Kael belched that she didn't know anyone who voted for Nixon. To be sure, it's not just liberals; after P. R. MEL and his WHAP!!!!!FEST I know I don't trust con-SER-va-tive ad-blurbists like Michael "The Ninny" Medved because they have cement helmets for skulls guarding the hollow core where their brains should be, just as with liberals; but the liberals are worse because they're INESCAPABLE.

Besides, it can't be that bad if THE BRITISH like it, though it be transmuted to the stage by LORD SCHLOCKINTOSH.

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