Eugene David
...The One-Minute Pundit

Monday, December 20, 2004


If I start covering the blogs, that's all I'll ever do, and I know I'll get confused between fact and fiction. A lot of blogging is fiction. I don't want to write things that aren't true but might stick in my mind as if they are. And how could I get the column written with the sort of stuff I like to put into it?

I notice that some of my excellent editors, bless their hearts, are sensitive to and alarmed by material I want to reprint from the Internet. They get paid to be suspicious. Bloggers, you know, are not apt to be sued, so they can be as fractious as they like. Newspapers don't like getting sued. I leave it to my famous colleagues to blog, and may the best sorter-outer of blog gossip win!

Yes, a lot of bloggers tell fibs. But then, so do a lot of MAINSTREAM JERNALISTS. For my part I find it hard to discern the truth when SO MANY PEOPLE ON BOTH SIDES SPEND THEIR TIME TYPING BEFORE A MIRROR.

And lest we forget, YOUR job, LIZ, is NOT GOSSIP -- IT'S P. R. If blogging can drive PRESS RELEASES and their FLAGRANT DISHONESTY UNDERGROUND, SO MUCH THE BETTER.

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